Historical-literary Museum in village Cheremisskoye
Cheremisskoye -is old Ural village, founded in 1670 by fugitive cheremises (Maris, Mariytsis) on the bank of the spring, called Kukuisky. The village is situated in the province: 40 km from the district centers Rezh and Nevyansk. The village has a surprising destiny and strong traditions. In 1704 by the desicion of Peter the great as a part of Ayatskaya Sloboda Cheremiska "with all peasants and lands" was assigned to Nevyanskiy plant. Since 1868, Cheremiska - the volost village. The main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture, and beside that the burning of coal, delivery of firewood in Ekaterinburg and Nevyansk, production of semi-precious stones was a subsidiary earnings. The center of the village was decorated with the Epiphany Church built in 1851. Annually in Cheremiska was conducted three patron's fairs. The fate of the church was tragic. With the 20-ies of XX century began its gradual destruction. This continued until 1954, while in the remaining part of the Church has not opened the club. In 2007, after a lightning strike, during the repair of the club were found surviving Church frescoes.
Attraction of the village is Cheremisskiy historical-literary Museum, originally created as a school. It is located in the building of rural schools, built in 1871. In the expositions of the Museum reflects classes, life and social life of the inhabitants Cheremisskaya parish of the XVIII-XX centuries. The Museum is rich in mineralogical collection. The Museum is the laureate and winner of many Russian forums. Awarded three diplomas of the Ministry of culture of the USSR. In 2002, the Museum was awarded a Grant of the Charity Fund of Soros.