Ural state University named after A. M. Gorky. (now the center of classical education URFU)
One of the oldest universities of the Urals, Alma mater for many residents of the city, Ural state University named after M. Gorky, was founded in 1920. Over time on the basis of the institutes and faculties of the UrGU were established many educational institutions of Ekaterinburg. Although, initially, the building was built to house offices of the trust Sverdlovskugol". Later it housed the local economic Council, and only after its disbandment, the building became the main administrative and educational building of the UrGU. The building itself stylistically belongs to the late period of the Soviet neo classical, characterized by the use of large-scale hypertrophied-monumental forms: large columns, high-portals of Central entrances, the presence of crowning of the pediments and the symmetrical composition of the main facades.
The first University was established in Ekaterinburg by the decree of the SNK RSFSR from October 19, 1920. Originally it includes of the institutes of mining, Polytechnical, medical, agricultural, pedagogical, social Sciences, and working faculty. Due to the shortage of teachers in 1922 division institutions was abolished, the University has left 3 faculties: chemical-metallurgical (including chemical and engineering and forestry Department), mining and Medical. In 1924 the faculty of medicine was transferred to the Perm state University, and in 1925 Uraluniversity, which consisted of the remaining 2 faculties, was renamed in the Ural Polytechnic Institute.
In 1931 as an independent University Sverdlovsk state University was restored in 1936, it was given the name of A. M. Gorky who took an active part in the organization of Uraluniversity in 1920). In 1934 on the basis of 7 out of 10 colleges was recreated UPI, then he was called Ural industrial Institute (UII) (in 1934 Institute was named after S. M. Kirov).
Thus, since the middle of the 1930-ies in Sverdlovsk there were two independent large institution. In 1945 the Sverdlovsk state University was renamed the Ural state University named after A. M. Gorky. In turn, in 1948 Ural industrial Institute was again renamed in the Ural Polytechnic Institute named S.M. Kirov (UPI). In 1992, UPI transformed into the Ural state technical University (UGTU). April 23, 2008, the Ural state technical University was named after its graduate Boris Yeltsin.
Now one of the academic buildings of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin