Rift Revun
Rifts in the Middle Urals is a unique phenomenon, and Revun is one of a kind. The residents of the village of Beklenishevo located near has long been called the rift is not a Revun but Burkan.
The rift is set in the beautiful rocky canyon. In the spring he literally boiling, roaring. In the spring fully understand the justice of the place name. At this time of year, in the water, there are competitions of water Urals. Depending on the water level, category of complexity of rifts varies from 2 to 5. The passage of this section with a length of about 300 meters complicated by the large number of stones in the river.
Down to the river rocks are ideal for training and competitions of climbers. In the rock hammered special climbing hooks and rings.
Maximum inrush of tourists and sportsmen on Revun observed in holidays in may and June 12. These days you can meet people from all over the Urals.