Municipal local lore museum in Bogdanovich
The Museum collects, preserves, studies and exposes the monuments of history, nature and society, these exhibits constitute the main Fund of the Museum. The Museum exposition consists of 16 sections, which include more than 12 thousand exhibits. In the hall of the Museum objects and documents telling about the history of the city. Besides thematic excursions the Museum organizes various events: meetings with interesting people, get-togethers, memorial evenings, exhibitions, educational programs, connected with customs and traditions of Russian people.
How to get: the Museum is located at the address: Sverdlovskaya oblast,Bogdanovich, ul. Sovetskaya, 2. 92 km from Ekaterinburg, tel (34376) 2-20-20.
Buses Ekaterinburg - Bogdanovich (journey time-2 hours),
Train Ekateringurg-Bogdanovich (journey time-2 hours),
Personal vehicles (the journey time is 1.5 hours).
Opening hours : Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00, lunch 12.00-13.00. Saturday from 11.00 till 18.30, lunch 14.30 to 15.00.