Two-eyed Stone. Rock carvings. Bronze age
On 4 km below r.p. Ziryanovskiy and about 300 m below the Kosoy Stone, very visible, acting as a stone Cape, angled at about 40 degrees, the right Bank of river Neyva [Alapaevsk] In his work V.N. Chernetsov writes: "According to Chernavin, rock on which Frolov were opened drawings has no name... D.N. Eding, wanting to perpetuate the memory Frolov... called in his report rock his name..." (1971, p. 24-25). V.N. Chernetsov thought that Pisanitsa performed on two-eyed stone. In fact, two-eyed Stone is located on the left Bank of Neyva in 1-1,5 km downstream from the rock with ancient drawings. It is high (over 20 m) exposure, in the middle part there is a small cave with two outputs. From the side of the river they remind eyes. In this case, fair to write the name of the drawings in quotes. Here is a brief description of the monument and images by V.N. Chernetsov, with some clarifications concerning certain groups of images. The stone two-eyed, in the apt remark P.I. Chernavin has a stack shape of a height of 15 meters, composed of nonlamellar limestone light gray. The distance to the water about 12 m, the exposure is southern rock. In the left part there is a grotto, size 2 x 1.5 m