The historacal museum of Ekaterinburg
Where better than at the Museum of history of Ekaterinburg you can scroll the film of centuries back and stroll through the streets of the city since its Foundation up to our days? In the operating exposition of the history of Ekaterinburg traced through the fate of one building - the house number 26,at Karl Liebknecht street. For 180 years from the date of its construction, this house has survived a lot: its walls remember and travelers of different incomes, and government officials, and revolutionaries, and big businessmen and the Soviet way of life in a communal apartment, and the main Museum of Sverdlovsk. The visitor consistently meets all the historical changes of the building, freely moving from era to era. Rare photo that is stored in a family album, precious relic, passed by inheritance, or even the most ordinary things - old powder, a bottle of perfume or a button with a long-decayed dresses anyway connected with the city and its inhabitants, all this potential exhibits from the Museum collection. As parts of an ancient mosaic, they gradually together, allow us to feel the spirit of past years. One of the most unique exhibits is the cabinet made by garman masters in 1734, the same age as Ekaterinburg. In the Museum of city history restored interior and saved collection of books of the most successful private libraries of Ekaterinburg. The mistress of library S.A. Tihotskaya could find a way to all visitors, she could find the right book. Here you can expand your horizons, to obtain interesting information, to communicate. All her personal library (16 thousand books) she gave to public use. Library of S.A. Tihotskaya is a whole page in the cultural life of Ekaterinburg. Thumbing through the pages of the history of the city, visitors get acquainted with the tragic fate of the Romanov family. The Central place in the exposition occupies a historical canvas artist beginning of XX century V.Pchelin "Transfer of the Romanov family to members of Uralsovet. on 30 April 1918", written by the artist from the words of the participants and performers tragic murder. Pchelin's picture is a unique monument of Russian history, to understand the events that took place in Ekaterinburg in 1918. In the Museum of history of Ekaterinburg, the visitors are offered a rare opportunity through improvisational, almost theatrical solutions to trace the history of the city, to visit permeated river and engineering arteries of underground Ekaterinburg, take a look at our city from space. Everyone will discover his own Ekaterinburg, as in a kaleidoscope of colored stones for every visitor will draw his bizarre picture.