The Museum of history of stone-cutting and jewellery art in Ekaterinburg
The Museum of history of stone-cutting and jewelry art is located on the territory of the farmstead of the former mining pharmacy. Rich natural resources of the Urals was the source for the emergence in Ekaterinburg lapidary and jewelry production. In 1751 was created Ekatherinburg Imperial lapidary works. Unique masterpieces of its craftsmen still decorate the palaces of St. Petersburg, and only a small part of the goods have left behind. The earliest stone-cutting works, presented in the Museum belong to the XVIII century, among them the only in the Urals half meter vase from Kalkan Jasper. The pride of the collection is a unique collection of stone seals, as well as the work of an outstanding Urals stonecutter N.D. Tataurova. Museum famous for its collection of products from malachite. There you can not only enjoy the beauty of this great stone, but also provide some interesting information of how it is treated, to get acquainted with the technology of Russian mosaics, to admire the works of the Ural masters. The highlight of the Museum is "Golden treasure". In this treasure is stored unique mineralogical monuments: ores emerald "Zvezdar" and "Novogodniy", and also incorporated in the Main register of precious stones of the Urals crystal "Alexandrov's Demantoid". A significant place in the exposition is unique jewelry, works of masters of the company Ivan Khlebnikov, and garnet earrings of XVIII century which belongs to the family famous Ekaterinburg merchant Tarasov. You can also lok at interesting collection of jewelry by Faberge. The Museum presents a very interesting exposition "Bazovskaya room". Especially for this exhibition craftsmen of Palekh has produced 11 art panels on tales P.P. Bazhov. The Museum hosts costumed tour "treasures of the hostess of the Copper mountain". Before the audience come alive, as if stepping away from the pages tales P.P. Bazhov favorite characters, which reveal the secrets of the stone-cutting and jewelry.