Guide to
Sverdlovsk region

The Museum of folk life in Irbit

Irbit, ul. Revolutsii, 25 (2nd floor)
+7 (34355) 6-20-20

The Museum of folk life was opened on may 23, 2011, with the direct participation of the resident, entrepreneur and collector Mikhail Ivanovich Smerdov. Previously,in the building was situated vodka plant, and today it is one of the most attractive highlights of Irbit for the tourist. The Museum was created with the idea to unite in one place all significant historical objects famous for fair trade. There is the biggest collection of samovars, from the smallest "Egoist" of 100 grams up to the big 415 liters installed on the motorcycle, which is another symbol of the city. Tea from such a samovar can simultaneously drink about 2 500 people! In the Museum people are trying to keep alive the traditions of tea drinking. Guests are meet here with fragrant herbal tea served in glasses with glass-holder and pancakes, which are cooked in a real Russian oven.

How to get: 204 km on the highway P351 or Rezhevsky tract to Irbit, Ul. Revolutsii, 25 (2nd floor), (34355) 3-96-66, 8-902-448-47-11

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 9:00-18:00

Where to stay: hotel "Povorot", Irbit, Ul. Svobodi, 75, (34355) 3-71-00, hotel "Host Nitsa", ul. Pervomayskaya, 46, (34355) 3-95-24

Where to dine: the restaurant "Arktur", Irbit, ul. Elizaryevih, 35, 8-922-11-555-19, cafe "DK Kostevicha", , Irbit, ul. Sverdlova, 17, (34355) 6-47-49


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